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October 23, 2023
Emma Johnson

Recharge vs Skio vs Loop: Which is a better Shopify subscription app for your DTC brand?

In this post, we will conduct an in-depth comparison between two subscription platforms, Recharge and Skio and also tell you why Loop Subscriptions is the best alternative in the market to both these platforms

Let's dissect the Recharge vs Skio comparison and give a breakdown in terms of pricing, features, customization and integrations.

Recharge: One of the established subscription apps

Recharge is popular amongst Shopify brands as well as BigCommerce and WooCommerce brands. It is considered as the venerable captain of the ship in the domain of subscription management. It has a well-established presence in the D2C industry.

Quick Feature overview of Recharge Payments

  • Subscription management: Recharge offers a subscription portal for brands to enable their customers to manage subscriptions
  • Bundles: Brands can create bundles on their store
  • Loyalty: Recharge also has a loyalty feature that integrates with their subscriptions offering
  • Flows: Helps brands to automate their subscription workflow

Brands can customize the functionalities available in Recharge to meet their needs.

Recharge Payments Pricing

Recharge offers three types of plans on their website starting from $99. This includes different features in different plans. They also charge 1.25% transaction fees + 19¢ per order in their Standard plan.

Recharge Support & Integrations

To know more about Recharge support, one should see their Shopify App reviews.
Recharge integrates with Shopify and apps like Klaviyo, Gorgias, Attentive, TapCart and others.

One of the reasons why brands migrate to Loop is because of a far better support and ideal pricing plans for a great feature set.

Why is Loop considered a great alternative to Recharge Payments?

We have created a platform that has been built directly with the feedback of DTC community

  • Fully customizable bundles and portal
  • Inbuild smart dunning management solution
  • Automate and personalise subscriber journeys with Loop Flows
  • Best-in-class cancellation flows

Loop Subscriptions' pricing structure is designed to accommodate businesses of all sizes, making it an excellent option for startups and established enterprises alike.

We charge only 0.75% transaction fees and no additional charges - 0¢ per order

Here is a detailed comparison of Loop vs Recharge

Also check -

Skio: New App on the Block

In the world of subscription management, Skio is an emerging app. It uses Shopify subscription APIs and powers subscriptions through the native checkout.

Quick Feature overview of Skio

  • Quick checkout with Shop-pay: Customers can buy subscriptions from DTC brands with Shop Pay
  • Create subscriptions manually: Brands can create subscriptions inside the merchant portal
  • OTP-less and password-less portal login to manage subscriptions
  • Bundles: Skio also gives the ability to create Bundles on the store.

Skio Pricing

Skio offers two types of plans i.e. Dog Plan and a Cat Plan and their pricing starts from $399 as mentioned on their website. They also charge 1% on order fee + 20¢ transaction fee 

The features depend upon the plan you select.

Support & Integrations

Skio integrates with Shopify and apps like Klaviyo, AfterSell, Attentive, Postscript and others.

To know more about Skio support, one must see the Shopify App reviews. One of the reasons why brands migrate to Loop is because of a far better support and ideal pricing plans for a great feature set.

Why do brands choose Loop over Skio?

Before diving into the comparison between Loop and Skio, it's crucial to understand why brands are making the switch. Brands are in the lookout for 

  • Reliable one to one support
  • Subscription product depth that fits to their specific needs
  • Seamless migration experience. 

Loop not only offers a feature-rich subscription management platform but also provides unparalleled customization options, seamless user experience and 1 on 1 customer support on slack. 

Why are brands looking to opt for Skio over Loop - Brands opting for Loop over Skio often cite the ability to fully customize their portal and bundle builder as a key differentiator - a key reason for them to switch.

Loop's fully customizable portal and bundle builder empower brands to tailor their subscription offerings to align with their unique branding and customer preferences. This level of customization leads to an immediate improvement in the UI/UX of the customer portal, resulting in a more intuitive and engaging experience for subscribers.

One of the brands that shifted from a Skio to Loop observed an immediate improvement in the UI/UX of the customer portal and saw a decrease in the number of support tickets generated to manage subscriptions.

Here are some of the key Loop differentiators:

  • In-built gamification feature
  • Fully customizable bundles and customer portal
  • Inbuilt smart dunning management solution
  • Automate and personalise subscriber journeys with Loop Flows
  • Best-in-class cancellation flows

Loop Subscriptions' pricing structure is designed to accommodate businesses of all sizes, making it an excellent option for startups and established enterprises alike.

We charge only 0.75% transaction fees and no additional charges - 0¢ per order

Here is a detailed comparison of Loop vs Skio

Recharge vs Skio vs Loop Comparison Table

Recharge Skio Loop
Transaction Fees 1% (Pro) 1% (Standard) 0.75% (Enterprise)
Shopify App Reviews 1489* 166* 205*
No-code bundle builder ? ? Yes
Includes bar trends of the last 6 months of cancellation reasons, Average orders before cancellation ? ? Yes
Add A Free Merch (Product) On 5th (Any) Order ? ? Yes
Gamify customer portal by adding a banner - "X orders away from free merch". Increases LTV ?
Not possible without developer
? Yes

*Last updated in October 2023.

✅- Feature available
❌- Feature unavailable
❓- Could not find data. Please check the respective companies' websites for more information.

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Switch to Loop for advanced subscription management.
Experience Seamless Migration (Zero Data Loss) with Dedicated 1-to-1 Support via Slack.
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