100% Free White Glove Migration

At Loop, we prioritise a seamless customer experience during the migration process. Taking inspiration from industry top practices, we have a dedicated migration team to guide brands through every step of the transition phase.

Complete execution is handled by our migration team.
Our migration team is comprised of technical engineers and Shopify experts.

It’s business as usual during the whole migration process. Zero data loss.

See all the FAQs related to migration process.
Highlight of 2023- One of the biggest migration from BigCommerce to Shopify Plus

During migration

Testimonial of our migration process - Full Podcast Episode
Kurt Elster is the founder of the Unofficial Shopify Podcast and a Shopify Expert at Ethercycle, a Shopify Plus premier agency in Chicago, IL.

His agency migrated Navage.com from BigCommerce to Shopify Plus. Ezra Firestone is the founder of Navage.com (and also the founder of Zipify apps)

All the subscription migration work was handled by Loop Team. Migration was done in October 2023 (weeks before BF/CM).

Migrated 2 Million+ subscribers from 350+ Shopify Brands to Loop over 2 years

Overview of the migration process

We do an API-based migration so it ensures zero human intervention and error. Our API based migration
is done in batches.
After migration, we share a comprehensive report on the type of subscribers and their status -
Active, Cancelled, Paused or Expired.

We have 60+ checks in place to ensure a smooth migration process. We share these pointers in the personalised migration plan before starting with the process

Will the customer experience be impacted?

Here’s how we ensure a smooth experience for your customers during the migration

1. Tailored Migration Approach: Our migration process is tailored to the specific needs of each merchant, ensuring a meticulous and error-free transition. We understand that brands are short on resources, so we take this up on our end and share a personalised migration process document and report for full transparency

2. Smooth Transition: All changes are done in the backend. Subscribers don’t even get to know that currently a change is undergoing in the subscription platform. The customer experience on the previous setup remains exactly the same. Their access and usage of the previous setup is not at all impacted.

Is there any data loss during migration?

None. We place utmost importance on data integrity and security.

1. Subscriber information is migrated as it is. We do one to one mapping of your existing subscriber profile and the one created in Loop.

2. We don’t store any payment information, or charge the customers directly during payment token migrations.

During migration, we place a strong emphasis on thorough examinations and verifications to guarantee the accuracy of data

What assurances do you have for a smooth migration?

We never remove subscriptions from your app. We take an export of the data and run 60+ checks to ensure the data export is clean to import into Loop.

We identify gaps in data from the previous app and flag them to the Merchant. Upon clarification on how these gaps need to be addressed, we start the import of data into Loop.

We confirm when the next billing date is to happen and set the subscriptions to charge accordingly.

Once a successful migration is complete, we activate subscriptions on Loop and cancel/pause historic subscriptions

Migration Scenarios

There are three major types of migrations:

Overview of the migration process
We do an API-based migration so it ensures zero human intervention and error. Our API based migration is done in batches. We break down the entire subscriber base into batches and then execute the migration.After migration, we share a comprehensive report on the type of subscribers and their status- Active, Cancelled, Paused or Expired. We have 60+ checks in place to ensure a smooth migration process. We share these pointers in the personalised migration plan before starting with the process
Outside of Shopify
When we migrate brands from another platform to Shopify, it is a 3-step process for these brands. The 3 steps include:
  • Customer migration - We help migrate subscriber information from your previous platform to Shopify.
  • Payment token Migration: If you are currently using a payment gateway that doesn’t work with Shopify checkouts, then we would help you to migrate those payment tokens from that payment gateway to the ones that are supported by Shopify.
    You can find more information here.
  • Subscription Migration - Once we have migrated the subscriber information, we migrate all the order level information and map that information to the correct subscriber. 
3rd party checkouts inside Shopify
When we migrate brands from another platform to Shopify, it is a 3-step process for these brands. The 3 steps include:
  • If a brand is managing subscriptions with the help of Shopify but using a 3rd party checkout, then we incorporate these two types of migration:1. Token migration: We first connect a brand’s existing payment service provider to Shopify as a secondary payment gateway. Then we migrate tokens from the external payment gateway to Shopify vault.
  • Subscription migration: Then we migrate subscription-level information from the previous setup to Loop.
Already using Shopify checkouts and need to migrate your subscription app
If a brand is using Shopify checkouts and wants to switch to Loop from their previous subscriptions app, then they only need to migrate subscription information. There is no need to migrate payment tokens in this scenario. Your tokens are already stored inside the Shopify vault. We use the same payment tokens and then map them to the correct subscription order information.

Checklist for Download

Migration Checklist
Migrate from another app to Loop

Migrations from Other Apps & Platforms

Migration from apps
We have done 350+ migrations from different apps and platforms
Bold Commerce
Stay AI (Retextion)
Overall the process of migrating remains more or less the same. We notify brands about any inconsistencies or missing elements in the data fields from your previous subscriptions app. After discussing those inconsistencies, we rectify them before migration.

For each app, there might be certain different steps involved.
Please reach out to us for more information on specific steps of the migration process.

See all the reviews of our migration process

Migration from other platforms to Shopify
In the past, we have worked with a lot of brands when they have switched from other platforms to Shopify and migrated their subscribers to Loop.

These are the platforms from which we have migrated subscribers:

Checkout Champ

In case you are migrating to Shopify from any other platform, please feel free to reach out to us.

Payment Tokens

When we say payment token migration, it refers to the encrypted IDs stored by your payment gateway.
There are usually two scenarios in a typical payment tokens migration
Note: The checkout & billing are done by Shopify Checkout as we are a native Shopify subscriptions app
When a brand is already using Shopify payments
Payment tokens are already stored safely inside Shopify vault. When you migrate apps, we do map the subscription contracts inside Loop to the existing payment tokens
When a brand is using 3rd party payment service providers
When a brand is using 3rd party payment service providers that is currently not supported on Shopify, then we first connect these PSPs as secondary PSP on Shopify and then import them into Shopify vault so that migration can happen.
We have done payment migrations from different gateways- Authorize.net , PayPal Express, Braintree, Stripe.
For complete details on how we do migration from these gateways, please check the detailed steps listed here

Frequently Asked Questions about migration process

Can I do a test migration?
Yes! We can do test migration of your cancelled subscribers, or your dummy subscriptions or your staff subscriptions on the live store from your previous app to Loop.

You can cross-verify the subscriber information from your previous app and Loop. This will enable you to preview our migration process and ask your doubts before real migration.

Please note that we only perform test migrations in case of a large subscriber base.

Why? It takes us time, effort and resources to prepare data for the migration. We understand as businesses, you have apprehensions before switching subscription apps.
What are visible changes after migration? 
When the migration is done and all their information and data is transferred to the Loop, our customer portal is hosted on your store and replaces the old setup.

Your subscribers will have to use the new portal login page to manage subscriptions.

We understand that you would like to ensure that the transition is conveyed clearly to your subscribers, so our team also helps in informing your subscribers about this change.