Mammaly Maximizes Subscription Revenue with Loop

Migrated FROM
Pets & Animals
Switch to Loop for advanced subscription management.
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Mammaly is a rising pet health startup dedicated to improving the lives of puppers of all ages. They develop science-backed, functional snacks that target and reduce the severity of common dog issues. Mammaly recently raised funding of €14 million intending to tackle the unexplored European supplements market, indicating an expansion of operations and a potential increase in market share. 


As a subscription-based business, mammaly understood the importance of teaming up with a subscription platform equipped to manage its exponential growth. However, their previous service provider was unable to meet this need. Here are some of the challenges faced by mammaly: 

  • Lack of Features: Mammaly required features that could help engage their subscribers at different touchpoints to improve their churn numbers and also increase their AOV. Features like Quick Action are essential for this purpose. However, the quick actions functionality from the previous service provider wasn't ideal for mammaly. It relied on a third party for authentication, resulting in generic, unbranded English emails with shortcodes, which Mammaly found ineffective.
  • Unreliable Analytics: Unreliable or missing reporting for features in testing hampered mammaly's ability to track performance and make data-driven decisions.
  • Custom Feature Development: With the kind of growth that mammaly envisioned for their brand they needed some custom features to best suit their workflow. The biggest setback that mammaly faced was the lack of clear timelines (ETAs) from the previous service provider regarding feature development which proved to be frustrating for mammaly’s team. This hampered their plans for growth. 
  • Support: Mammaly desired a more proactive CSM experience. They wanted suggestions for campaigns and best practices, along with regular reviews to understand their subscription metrics and identify areas for improvement.  While mammaly generally enjoyed working with the last service provider's CSM, they felt they needed a much more proactive support to move the needle with their subscription business.

Transition to Loop 

Loop connected with mammaly to grasp their concerns and join forces in finding solutions. Our team put in tireless efforts to ensure the migration occurred promptly. In just 1.5 days, we completed the migration process seamlessly, with absolutely no data loss.

How Loop helped mammaly 

Mammaly has been heavily using Loop’s features to support its exponential growth by reducing churn and increasing AOV. Here is how: 

  •  Loop Flows: Mammaly created a wholesome journey for their subscribers with the intention of engaging and retaining them. Mammaly’s team created a flow with rewards in 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 9th order. In addition to this, they also communicated the same via our fully customizable banner. This helped them reduce the second-order churn and overall churn. Here is a sneak peek into how mammaly rewards its subscribers.
  •  Quick Actions: One of Loop’s most used features. Mammaly was searching for functionality like Quick Actions to tackle the operations of updating payment methods of subscribers and also for their reactivation campaigns. The workflow with the previous service provider was now apt and was causing a bad user experience. Using Loop’s Quick Actions, mammaly’s team ensures a seamless customer experience by prompting subscribers to update their payment methods and reactivating churned subscribers. Currently, 30% of mammaly's subscribers have updated their payment methods via Quick Actions, and about 18% of subscriber reactivations have been facilitated through this feature.
  • Customer Portal: Mammaly has fully customized its Customer Portal to provide the best experience possible. A custom section was created and added to their Customer Portal, which displays a carousel of products. These products are accessible for the customer to add to their cart. Mammaly makes sure that they provide early access to new products to their subscribers and also place the latest products first in the order of priority in this custom section. Pro tip: You can also offer a high discount or a freebie here to help with conversions. In addition, mammaly also defines “Product of the Month” to highlight products to existing subscribers to upsell the product. This not only helps them increase their AOV but also helps save shipping costs and customer acquisition costs. Here is what their custom section looks like: 

Future with Loop

Mammaly and Loop are working together to launch bundles on their website. This move is aimed at improving the AOV for mammaly. The launch will happen as soon as June end.