We worked with a UK brand, Mum & Me, to automate a personalized mother & baby box subscription service for their customers.

Published on
17 September 2023
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Loop recently got to work with one of the leading mother and baby box brand in the UK. Because they wished to remain anonymous, in this story we have mentioned them as "Mum & Me"

Mother & Baby subscription boxes require personalization

Mum & Me is an award-winning subscription box service that offers highly curated items for different age ranges of children starting from birth to three years, and their mothers.

Inside a monthly box, the mother receives a book and some beauty samples. The child receives a new puzzle or toy- Makes both of them happy! 

mother & baby subscription box

Setting up personalised automations for Mum & Me 

When a mother or a soon-to-be-mother landed on Mum & Me’s product page, they were asked to choose the baby’s gender and the date of birth or due date. Once they did this, they were given a product recommendation for that particular age group and a curated subscription box was started.

widget on PDP to add subscription box

This subscription flow delivered a curated monthly box to pregnant women and new mothers every month. This was possible with Loop flows that automated product swapping after every delivery.

Mum & Me had some preset rules for their subscriptions:

  • All subscriptions had to be shipped on the 29th of every month
  • The customer had the option of paying every month / 3 months / 6 months / 12 months
  • Customers could easily skip a month if they wanted to
Loop flows automated delivery of Mum & me subscription box every month

When the customer became a new subscriber, Mum & Me had a script running on their website which immediately sent an event to Loop about what first order would be placed for that customer.

The subscription order was shipped based on two inputs:

  • Baby’s gender
  • Birth date/Due date

The subscription flow then began in the following order:

  1. Based on the above information, 36 different products were set up which could be placed as an order for the customer after they had made the purchase.
  2. After the first order was processed by Shopify, it was tagged by Loop and a subscription was created. 
  3. Now onwards with every next delivery that went to the customer, the product would be swapped and the mother would receive a new box every time.
  4. This product swapping happen from the time of the first week of pregnancy till their baby is three years old.
  5. Once the baby is 3 year old, the swapping stops and the customer will receive this box every month unless they cancel.
  6. If a customer choose to skip a month, Loop Flows swapped the box to the next variant in the sequence.

Personalising box subscriptions the easy way

Mum & Me were able to successfully automate their baby box subscription service throughout the year (wish box subscriptions on Shark Tank also used Loop Flows) 

Once started, mothers & their babies could enjoy access to new and boxes full of surprises every month.

Setting this is really easy with Loop flows. Get in touch here